I'd like to start by apologising to anyone who enjoyed the first issue of The Wake (Snyder and Murphy, Vertigo Comics).

I did not enjoy it and here is why.

From the very start of this experience I had a sense of worry as the cover wreaked of a Deep Blue Sea and Hannibal Lecter mash up.  As you turn the page you are greeted by what can only be described as a holiday brochure for somewhere that resembles a futuristic American Venice-like city. Our blue haired character seems to have a taste for hand-gliding and soars through the building landscape to arrive near a dolphin.

The dolphin reminded me somewhat of the dolphin from Seaquest DSV (for any of you who enjoyed that during the 90's). Suddenly, as we begin to learn of a map or something we are met with a giant tsunami which causes a battery powered Dolphin and his gliding chum to flee in a hurry. Okay so far I think. This could be good I think.

...and then came the next 15 pages.

It was as if someone had taken all the boring features of Free Willy and Jaws and threw them into a black hole causing them to take virtually forever to slowly drift towards a possible end.

They did not end.

As I said it kept going for 15 pages. Our featured protagonist, Dr Archer, seems to enjoy looking at whales whilst trying to damage her relationship with her son over a video call. It's what all mothers want to do with their lives and in particular the type of cheese filling in an 80's movie but not something I expected from this comic. Perhaps a quick touch on it but to drag out the pointless conversation between her and her son literally caused me to snore with my eyes open. It was at this point I had to check the title as the idea of the word wake being in anyway associated with this series seemed absurd. We are then met with several pages where people meet each other. Lots of handshaking (although it's more hygienic if they had all snogged each other instead - less germs and far more interesting) and lots of grins. Always grinning these characters, unless they're not (ha!). Then the best part of this issue arrived, an advert for Superman Unchained.

After I enjoyed the advert I continued in my pursuit for something to value from this comic. Much like the crusading Knights of old in search for the Holy Grail I had to eventually give up and go home. I was already home so instead I just gave up.

Towards the end there is a glimmer of interest in the emergence of what I will be calling the 'Two-Face faced Miner'. Our Dr investigates as to what has caused his face to go all bleugh and it turns out there is a fish in a tank. A fish in a straight jacket in a tank. Like a bad Star Trek alien this creature has all the looks of the nasty end of a Merman, Miner ketchup all over his face and a serious look of contemplation as if he is posing for a fashion magazine.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I don't mean to offend anyone who enjoyed this but for me personally it was really a dreadful waste of money. I saw no promise in the story and no prospect of any whatsoever. Too many starts with no development. For a comic about the water I found it rather dry and wanting.

If you disagree I would love to hear about it.

- Thom

I can't tell you how long I've waited for this game...
As is the case for many comic book fans, the idea of pitching DC's giants against each other, through the streets of Gotham, or in the Fortress of Solitude is something we all want to do. To wield the power of the Green Lantern's ring or to pummel Superman through the Earth and back again as his ultimate match, Doomsday is a dream come true.
They have got so much right with this game...
But there are a couple of issues...
Problem No. 1.
Now I watched with anticipation as snippets of the game were released to the public. For those who missed it, the game-makers released fun trailers in the form of a tournament which inevitably ended in a battle between Superman and Batman. These trailers teased with big reveals of the characters and arenas. Then the fans had a bit of a say, and soooooo many people want Martian Manhunter! The game makers have made a Batgirl add on, that you can buy...I just hope that they have the decency to release a Martian Manhunter upgrade at some near point in the future. They have just announced that Jim Lee is about to re-design Mortal Kombat's Scorpion...WHERE IS THE MANHUNTER?
Problem No. 2.
This one isn't easy to get around, and understandably they haven't...but when you're Superman and you hit Nightwing, I don't care how good he is at back-flipping, you're gonna break his spine.
And when Green Arrow shoots an arrow at Superman, unless it's laced with Kryptonite or a magic spell it ain't doin' shit!
As I said, not easy to represent in a versus arcade format game, but technically and practically rubbish. When I pick Superman I want to smash everyone! Yes, that would become annoying, but hey, Superman does it every single day, I wanna go!!!

That aside, the game is pretty cool. It's good fun to have a bash with friends and the story mode is pretty sound. The story is interesting and, although I haven't reached the end yet, I'm finding it to be well told...between the arcade-mode fights, I mean, I'd like to fight some of the transition scenes as well, but I'm a CoD fan, so I like to fight my way through the best part of every game!

my verdict - 4/5

A fantastic Game, but not perfect. As good as any arcade fight game, with a beautiful DCU twist. Nice to see characters such as Nightwing, Raven and Ares see some limelight. Favourite Character to play as - Green Lantern.
Hope you found my review helpful.

I had to kick off my first post on this site by talking about my current obsession. DC comics have begun a new series of He-Man comics titled (yup you guessed it) MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!

I have had a great passion for He-Man ever since watching the film as a child. It featured Dolph Lundgren, Frank Langella, a pre-botox Courteney Cox and a full head of hair Robert Duncan McNeill. There were two recent one-shots that looked at the origins of both He-Man and Skeletor. I enjoyed the Skeletor one but Prince Adam's seemed somewhat reminisce of the famous AHA video for Take on Me. Lot's of roaming hallways, not much else happening. That aside, the new series has so far been brilliant. I am only two issues in and it has me desperate for the month to go by so I can get the next issue.

The new series has a feel of the Final Fantasy games by SquareSoft which for fanboys of those games will definitely be a bonus! It has great banter between Teela and well, most other characters.

Plenty of action, plenty of partially clad individuals and a hint of secrets to unfold at a later date.

The artwork is good and consistent and accompanied by a great plot and pace... it is a series I would definitely recommend.

- Thom