I have literally had to force myself to keep reading this. Each issue has felt like a pointless journey ending in a really cool reveal to make me want to read the next issue...Next issue the pattern continues until the most recent issues. #5 - enter Dormammu, things started to pick up a bit and now at #6 I feel as though we are getting somewhere. The mention of a certain Sorcerer Supreme has kept my tail wagging for a minute anyway! But this is THE UNCANNY X-MEN! I don't understand why I'm finding it so difficult to enjoy reading the comic with some of my favourite characters!
I like the artwork, I hate the artwork...I can't decide. Sometimes they get it right...I mean REALLY RIGHT. However I look at the artwork sometimes and think, "are they bothered what this looks like? Or are Marvel actually happy to put out any old rubbish now?"
But I've pushed past this. I'm certain that it's going to get better, we're only six issues in and now ***SPOILERS*** Classic 1960's Uncanny X-men character Dazzler has been revealed as SHIELD's newest recruit to infiltrate the X-men...Now we're talking!
I've kept reading this purely because I don't want this series to suck - for me it has so far, but I do hope that it continues on the up! The artwork has started to feel a little more consistent and the story line is picking up. But I can't help this bad taste that I have left in my mouth after reading and re-reading these comic books.
I can see the potential and I am liking the potential of this series, I am just struggling to feel convinced that it's  going to get there in a decent and timely manner!
There is always hope! For now though, I can't help but feel displeased and slightly bemused by this series. It feels lost in the X-MEN universe, broken, unwanted and misplaced. There is a guy who makes 'Golden Balls'...WHY? I don't get it! It's nice to see Angel, it's nice to see, no, no it isn't nice to see Scott Summers, I still haven't forgiven him for killing Xavier, I don't care if the Phoenix force had possessed him, he-said, she-said non-sense! He killed Ironside and I thought that would be enough to get rid of him!
I'm going to keep reading UNCANNY X-MEN, because Dormammu is around. If it wasn't for his presence in #5 I would have dropped this title. But he's here, so I'm here, for now!

MY VERDICT - 2.5/5

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